

Most people train their abs and consider this training for their entire core.


Core fitness exercise has become synonymous with abdominal conditioning. In terms of core stability, the abdominal muscles do little. Without proper strength and conditioning of all core muscles, injury, aches and pains can occur more frequently. The core of the body is responsible for supporting the back, spine and shoulders. Core fitness exercises should aim to strengthen all muscles related to these areas.

Choosing Effective Core Fitness Exercise

In order to choose effective core fitness exercises, you must first learn the muscles supporting the core of the body. The core muscles begin at the top of the abdominal trunk and run down to the lower torso. These muscles include the:

  • Gluteus Muscle Group – Muscles of the middle hip and buttocks area including gluteus medius, minimus, and maximus. Hamstring muscles are also included in the gluteus muscles.
  • Hip Muscle Group – Muscles of the upper hip and pelvis including the hip flexors and hip adductors.
  • Abdominal Muscle Group – Muscles of the front and side trunk including the external and internal obliques, traverse abdominis, and rectus abdominis.
  • Spinae Muscle Group – Muscle group supporting the spine including the erector spinae and multifidus


Do you know what muscles make up your core?

Yes, I do  and I train my entire core when I work out

Yes I do I always work on my abs when I train

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What’s In Your Mind?

Most people train their abs and consider this training for their entire core.

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