

Realize the real power of proteins in your regular diet

div class="parbase section text bulletssection textsection"div class="text-container crux-article"h3DO YOU NEED PROTEIN POWDER?/h3p /p/div/divdiv class="parbase section text textsection"div class="text-container crux-article"pProtein products typically contain between 15 and 25 grams of protein per serving (although some do contain more). By comparison, a 5-ounce container of plain, nonfat Greek a href=""yogurt/a has around 17 grams of protein, and 3.5 ounces of chicken breast has 31 grams. Protein needs range from 0.4 to 0.6 grams of protein per pound of weight a day (that would be 64 to 96 grams per day for a 160-pound person)./ppOriginal content found ata href="" you still think your protein powder is safe for you?/strong/ppYes/ppNo/ppstrongTell us what you think? We’d like to know./strong/p/div/div

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Realize the real power of proteins in your regular diet

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