

Physical wellness can be achieved once you have made the connection between your fitness and wellness.

Physical wellness can be achieved once you have made the connection between your fitness and wellness. 

When your fitness program connects with your wellness program you are able to check off boxes such as:

  1. Does my fitness Help me with my diet? 
  2. Does my fitness program help me with my injuries? 
  3. Does my fitness program help me to sleep better? 
  4. Does my wellness program help me to achieve my maximum performance in a fitness activity? 
  5. Is my wellness program helping me to get  better with my fitness activities
  6.  Do my fitness and wellness program connect to enhance my entire wellbeing


If you can answer yes to each question regarding your fitness and wellness  connection you have achieved physical wellness. 

If you answered no, to all or some of these questions it's still ok.  The fact that you are trying to make connections between your fitness and your wellness is a definite win. In fact,  it is the 1st step to achieve total physical wellness. So don't give up! Continue on because achieving physical wellness is a reward that is totally worth the effort you have put in. 


 Physical wellness is not just getting bigger, leaner, and toned. Your entire mind, body, and spirit can benefit from proper muscle fitness. 

Your balance and coordination will also improve which means you're less likely to fall and hurt yourself. Even your bones will become stronger from proper muscle fitness. 

More muscle also means your body can burn more calories which can help keep off extra pounds. You'll appreciate these benefits as you get older and continue to maintain good muscle mass.

What’s In Your Mind?

Physical wellness can be achieved once you have made the connection between your fitness and wellness.

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